Over the month of January we had a few families participate in a board game invention competition! We dropped off mystery supply bags to their homes and using what they were provided, plus any other materials they chose to add, families invented an original game.
Check out the creative submissions we received! Instructions are posted in separate blog posts!
CrokinWar by Katelyn Kowalchuk
Diamond Color Clash by The Allen Family
Click on the picture above to see the Allen family give a very... serious... tutorial on their game ;)
The Allen family couldn't stop creating and made a bonus game called Crown Jewel Reclamation!

The LEGO Vacation Game by The Grafton Family
Link staff members voted and the winner chosen was....(drum roll please)...

The Grafton family with their Lego Vacation Game!!
Email Carissa@linkchurch.org to claim your prize. Time to contact LEGO for a contract ;)
To all of the families that participated-we hope that you had a blast creating and playing these amazingly creative board games!